Omega 3.0 option is one of the biggest online conferences for retail selected traders in India where some of the best thinkers will share their deep trading knowledge.
This is an exclusive annual event conducted by Gurukul Family traders. This year, MoneyControl Pro is also streaming webinar directly from 20-31 July 2022, from 8 pm to 10 pm every day. The recording of the session will be available 2-3 days after the event and will be accessed only for the next month. To find out more, click here.
The online conference consists of 3 different themes: position trading strategies, intraday trading strategies and expired day trading strategies.
Event features:
– 12 options traders
-3 Special Themes
-12 days of action
-12 Creative Strategy
In this sixth webinar about trading strategies for the theme position option, watch Mr.Saddam, Professional Trader, Insights Sharing about ‘Positional Iron Fly’.
He is a part -time trader. He graduated from Jnuk and worked as a manager at PSU Bank. He is a systematic rule -based trader who has developed many intraday and position systems. and the position system is partially automatic.
This event features:
-Way how do we use monthly iron
-Way how do we adjust it as long as the market is sideways
-Way how do we adjust it during the trend market
Data -backtest
-In size /risk management
-My psychology behind it
Click here to watch webinar.
Other speakers for this event were Abhijit Pathak, Shailendra Rajawat, Aditya Chopra Sivakumar Jayachandran, Nitish Narang, Satyarth Grover, Pranav VK, Murli Deshpande, Santosh Pasi, Jyoti Budhia, & Fazil Ahmed.
Click here to find out more about the event agenda.
The 12 Webinar series can be accessed by pro users with a 90 percent discount price of RS 600.
Moneycontrol users, who have not subscribed to Pro, can access webinar series at a discount price of 50 percent RS 3000.
To order your seat, click here
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